Highest-energy Cosmic Ray  Ever | S26E147 | A Space News Pod
SpaceTime with Stuart Gary December 21, 202300:48:23

Highest-energy Cosmic Ray Ever | S26E147 | A Space News Pod

SpaceTime Series 26 Episode 147
*Detection of one of the highest-energy cosmic ray ever
In 1991, the University of Utah Fly’s Eye experiment detected the highest-energy cosmic ray ever observed. Then on May 27, 2021, the Telescope Array experiment detected what is now the second-highest extreme-energy cosmic ray ever recorded and the source is still a mystery.
*Pinpointing the source of Io's volcanic activity
A new study suggests that most of the Jovian Moon Io’s tidal, heating is concentrated within its upper mantle.
*Ariane 6 successfully completes its hot-fire test
The European Space Agency's new Ariane 6 rocket has successfully completed a key engine firing test in preparation for next year’s maiden flight.
*December Skywatch
The December solstice, the ticking time bomb that is Eta Carinae and the rock comet Phaethon are among the highlights of the December night skies on SkyWatch
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